_ ___ ___ _ ____ _ | | | \ \ / / \ | |/ ___| (_) ___ | |_| |\ V /| \| | | | |/ _ \ | _ | | | | |\ | |___ _| | (_) | |_| |_| |_| |_| \_|\____(_)_|\___/ Welcome to the HYNC.io project! ------------------------------------------------------------ /* ABOUT */ We are an innovative project that enables you to synchronize your fitness data from various sources such as Polar, Fitbit, Wahoo, Strava and many more. Our goal is to offer you a comprehensive dashboard where you can pursue your personal fitness achievements and compare with friends and like -minded people from your area. /* TEAM */ Project Lead: Thomas Bella Role: Project Lead, Developer Site: https://thomas.bella.network Email: thomas@bella.network Location: Siegenfeld, Austria /* CONTACT */ Email: info@hync.io /* THANKS */ Thanks to all the developers, contributors and API providers who have made this project possible! /* SITE */ Site: https://hync.io Standards: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript Core: Go, PHP, MariaDB Software: VScode, HAProxy, Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB, Go, Git, Docker, Ubuntu, GitLab, GitLab CI, Cloudflare, Let's Encrypt, Sonarqube, Sentry, Mailcow